From: "Ms. Reem" <>
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 15:12:23 +0700
Subject: Reply oksy
Hello, My name is Ms. Reem Ebrahim Al-Hashimi, I am the Minister of state a=
nd Petroleum also Minister of State for International Cooperation in the UA=
E. I write to you on behalf of my other "three (3) colleagues" who has appr=
oved me to solicit for your "partnership in claiming of {us$47=3DMillion}" =
from a Financial Home in Cambodia on their behalf and for our "Mutual Benef=
its". The Fund {us$47=3DMillion} is our share from the (over-invoiced) Oil/=
Gas deal with the Cambodian/Vietnam Government within 2013/2014, however, w=
e don't want our government to know about the fund. If this proposal intere=
sts you, let me know, by sending me an email and I will send to you detaile=
d information on how this business would be successfully transacted. Be inf=
ormed that nobody knows about the secret of this fund except us, and we kno=
w how to carry out the entire transaction. So I am compelled to ask that yo=
u will stand on our behalf and receive this fund into any account that is s=
olely controlled by you. We will compensate you with 15% of the total amoun=
t involved as gratification for being our partner in this transaction. Repl=
y to: Regards, Ms. Reem.