From: "Mr. Wisdom Mike" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:25:39 +0300
Subject: Important You Should Know.
Good Day, I know this might come as a surprise to you considering the amoun=
t of junk emails we all receive on a daily basis. I can assure you that I a=
m not one of them; I would appreciate it if the content of this email is ke=
pt strictly confidential. I have decided to contact you due to the urgency =
of this transaction and the current financial situation of the world at the=
moment. A brief introduction about me, I am Mr. Wisdom Mike a bank manager=
here in the UK. I have worked here for a little more than 16 years. I am c=
ontacting you concerning an abandoned account in the sum of =A321,000,000:0=
0 million Pounds. I was the account manager to the late Mr. Mark peter a fo=
reign contractor to the department of works and housing who has an investme=
nt account with our bank. Late Mr. Mark peter died in the season of COVID-1=
9 Pandemic without any name of beneficiary or a WILL to the account.I am pr=
oposing that after a successful execution of the business deal, the funds w=
ill be shared in the ratio of 50%/50% You will get 50% and I will be entitl=
ed to 50%. You know that I must have done my homework already before contac=
ting you. Although the project is CAPITAL INTENSIVE,I know we will be able =
to pull it through following proper banking and legal Channels with your as=
sistance at your end by standing as the next of kin/Business associate to l=
ate Mr. Mark peter. This claim will be executed without breaching any UK la=
ws and success is guaranteed if we cooperate on this. The bank will release=
the account to you as the business associate and my recommendation of you =
as the business associate to the deceased. An opportunity like this only co=
mes once in a lifetime and I think we need the fund =A321,000,000:00) milli=
on Pounds) to take care of ourselves and family.I would like you to think a=
bout this and let me know your decision because such a deal happens in the =
banking industry but only the outside world is not aware. If you give me a =
positive response, I will give you the relevant INFORMATION for the success=
ful completion of this deal and we both enjoy it in peace. All I require fr=
om you is honesty/sincerity; I guarantee that this will be executed under a=
legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.If=
you give me positive signals, I will initiate this process towards a concl=
usion. Sincerely Wisdom Mike A bank manager Contact this email: wisdommike9=