From: "Dr. Raymond Mcneill" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2024 12:02:33 +0200
Subject: Important Letter !!!
Trust Financial & securities Services
432 16th St NW,
Atlanta, GA 30302-3965
Payment CPC Code CON/FT0/990/651/ UNPAID FUND 2024.
Hello Beneficiary
How are you doing today? I hope everything is well with you. This particular letter is strictly confidential and Urgent only for your perusal based on message we sent to you last week, Till now you have not reply back regarding the notice. Well, our office is contacting you based on an important issues about Contractual /Inheritance payment which you suppose to receive since long time ago.
However, we are surprised to receive another application this morning from your representative, Mr. Klaus Muller, stating that you authorized him to transfer the funds to his bank account in
Germany and that you were recently involved in an auto accident and presently hospitalized.
Could you please confirm immediately below bank details if you are aware of this new development from Mr. Klaus Muller.
Deutsche Bank, D-45138 Essen, GERMANY
Kontonummer: 056097900
Bankleitzahl: 59070070
IBAN: DE75590700700056097900
Please if you are not aware of this this changes from Mr. Klaus Muller, You are advice to contact below Office of Paymaster immediately through his contact details below.
Dr. Raymond Mcniel
In other to avoid mistake while transferring your overdue payment to you, Confirm above account details our Officer finalize with transfer payment to above account Mr. Klaus forward to our office.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Terry Glenn
Financial Services Regulation Committee
United Stated Of America