From: "Mr Paul Wilson"<>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 16:26:24 -0700
Subject: From Mr. Paul Wilson
>From Mr. Paul Wilson
My name is Mr. Paul Wilson, NatWest, Director of Commercial Banking, Chelm=
sford & Romford. United Kingdom. Being a top executive at NATWEST, I discov=
ered a Numbered account with a credit balance of =A318.300,000 00 British P=
ounds plus accumulated interest, which belongs to an American multi-million=
aire Crude oil Merchant Mr. David Watkins, who was a victim of Hurricane Ka=
trina in August 2005. Until now, nobody knows about his bank account with N=
atWest Bank and my further investigation proved that the deceased immediate=
family also died in the tragedy.
With my position at the bank, I have all access, secret details and necess=
ary contacts for claim of the funds without any hitch. But due to the sensi=
tive nature of my job, I need a foreigner to HELP claim the funds, my posit=
ion as a civil servant and as a staff of the bank does not permit me or my =
relatives to claim this funds. Therefore I contact you as a foreigner to ar=
range the transfer of this fund out of this account before our next auditin=
g because If our bank management discover that this account has been latent=
for these long, it will be frozen and the money will be returned to the ba=
nk treasury, as unclaimed public funds. Therefore, I want you to stand as t=
he =201CForeign Beneficiary", and I assure you of a perfect transfer strate=
gy that will be placed in your name legally, so that nobody will suspect yo=
ur claims.
For your involvement in this deal, you are entitled to 40% of the total am=
ount transferred to your bank account and I will count on your sense of sec=
recy in order to avoid risky exposure of this deal. Upon consideration of t=
he offer, Kindly provide me with your full name, contact address and your d=
irect telephone/fax number, to enable me re-profile the fund to your name a=
s the heir beneficiary and guide your communication with the bank for onwar=
d release and transfer of the fund to your bank account. Considering the se=
nsitivity nature and magnitude of this project,i ask your reply to my priva=
te Email:
Thanking you in anticipation for your prompt response.
Best Regards,
Mr. Paul Wilson,
NatWest Bank Plc.
Director Commercial Banking,
Chelmsford & Romford.