I am Lieutenant Muhumuza Daniel the personal assistant to General Celestin Mbala Munsense who was former chief of staff of the Armed Force of Democratic Republic of Congo and a formal military advisor to the President, the FARDC director of personnel ,administration and logistics who is presently awaiting retirement .
During his service, he discovered 247 gold bars in the enemy territory from a rebel (M23) as the commanding officer and use his position and military personnels to move the product to a neighbouring country Uganda for safe keeping while he was still the chief of staff ,presently as he is preparing for retirement ,he directed me as his personal assistant and a loyalist, to get a foreign gold dealer who will buyer the gold at a good and attractive rate to enable him prepare for his upcoming retirement .
Reference to the above ,I am looking for a genuine buyer who will come down to Uganda for proper essay test and documentation for safe and undisputable export of the product as you may agree with the General .
Be officially informed that my interest and position as the mandate of the General has to be considered for compensation upon completion of the transaction as I will make sure the product is sold to you at a very reduced rate .
Note that the product has no documents presently as it was brought to Uganda by us his military aids for safe keeping .
I honestly await your response for more details.
Lt Muhumuza Daniel.