From: "Sarah Pitchard" <>
Reply-To: "Sarah Pitchard" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 23:15:52 -0700
Subject: Message
Good day,
With warm hearts, I offer my friendship and my greetings to you. I hope thi=
s letter meets you in good time. I know that this message will appear as a =
surprise to you that we barely know. I found your profile in an Internet se=
arch while I was surfing the web for an oriented person, who can handle thi=
s Non profitable Project and you happen to be the one.
I have a brain tumor, I suffer terribly at the moment. My doctor has inform=
ed me that I have a short time to live, because of my health. I propose wit=
h my free mind and as a person of integrity. I do have some funds for my ch=
arity project. The said funds are deposited in an escrow account in a local=
bank in Benin Republic. The fund is meant for charitable projects. My mari=
tal status is such that I'm single because I lost my Husband for over 9 yea=
rs now and unfortunately, we didn't have a child together, which should inh=
erit my legacy. I would like to make a donation, so there will not be a big=
tax to release my funds.
I would be so grateful to help the poor, by giving away Four million One Hu=
ndred and Five Thousand Euros (=20AC4,105,000.00), to enable you to establi=
sh a charitable foundation in my memory. I devoted my entire life doing the=
work of charity, so it is important to me that you continue from where I'v=
e stopped. I want you to take this transaction seriously as I've faith that=
you will do what is necessary to conclude this project.
However, you can keep half of the money for yourself and the rest will be u=
sed to create a charitable foundation in my memory and fund a fight against=
cancer and also build orphanages. Please send me the following details: Yo=
ur full names, your address and your current phone contact, so I can forwar=
d them to my lawyer to prepare the necessary documents to commence with the=
fund release procedure. I am happy that I have got someone reliable and ca=
pable of continuing my work of charity. I have faith in you and hope for th=
e best outcome of my proposed project.
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours Sincerely,
Sarah Pitchard.