How are you doing today? I hope you are fine and strong which i pray for as I bring this good news to you again based on the last chapter part payment information reaching me from the international monetary Fund (IMF) head of authority concerning your overdue part payment which has been approved to pay you without any upfront fee from you to was your inheritance fund via lotto fund.
For your information your part payment worth $10.5million has been approved to pay you without any upfront fee but the only procedure are you must travel to the payment center to sign your transaction vital documents and confirm your funds through the bank paymaster by bank to bank transfer once you sign your transaction documents in person,
which is the one of the strong reason you have not receive even one cent from your lotto or inheritance funds all this while but keep on spending more time and money in getting nothing because you have not follow the due process to travel face to face to sign your transaction document and proceed to your payment center to confirm your $10.5million part payment direct to your choice account.
Let me make it open to you again, The reason you have not received one cent from your funds for years now is because you have not traveled to sign your transaction documents and confirm your fund worth $10.5million to your account, but it is very easy in the sense that once you follow only my instructions you confirm your funds instantly and do the needful. YOU ARE NOT SPENDING ANY MONEY.
Finally you will not spend one cent of your own money to receive this fund or pay any upfront fee from your pocket which is 100% sure, because i have financier who is ready to pay for every of your expenses concerning your trip to both country means that the investor will pay for your flight ticket going and coming back including your hotel reservation based on how many days you will spend but in respect of this expenses the investor will get 25% from the total sum of $10.5million while the left balance will be your own.
Please put it in writing the investor will receive 25% from the total sum of $10.5million once you confirm your funds to your choice account but before we start you have to assure me that the investor will get his 25% before we proceed because you will not pay one cent for your trip to confirm your funds in the sense that your flight ticket going and coming back will provide by the investor including your hotel reservation with other bills in total.
In conclusion please keep this transaction as your top secret for security reasons and also to pave a way for you to travel first to confirm your fund.
Send your whatsApp number for better communique to feed you with more details and a copy of your international passport.
Thanks and stay safe while I wait to hear from you.
Mrs Michelle W. Bowman
FederalReserve Bank NY