From: "Mrs. Joy Wayne"<>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2024 22:03:19 -0700
Subject: Good Day Dear
From Canadian lottery organization ticket free/online email address winnings
If you are the correct owner of this email address then be glad this
day as the result of the Canadian lottery online e-mail address
free-ticket winning draws of 2 March 2024, held in Toronto Canada has
just been released and we are glad to announce to you that your email
address won you the sweepstakes in the first category and you are
entitled to claim the sum of $48.8Million, Your email address was
entered for the online draw on this Free Ticket Numbers:
CA76869696453212 and won on this Lucky Numbers: ANa769884532548.
You are to contact Mr. Douglas T. Moore on the below email address for
quick delivery of your cheque of $48.8Million. Note that all winners'
cheques are certified cashiers bank cheques and when delivered and
received by you, you can cash it in your bank without any delay. To
enable Mr. Douglas T. Moore ascertain you as the rightful winner and
receiver of the $48.8Million, certified cashiers bank cheque, make
sure you include the below listed information in your contact mail to
Mr. Douglas T. Moore Your country of origin and country of
residence/work, complete official names, amount won, free ticket and
lucky numbers, date of draw, address where you wish to receive your
certified cashiers bank cheque, contact telephone, Sex and Age.
Below is the contact information of the bank where you need to claim
your winning prize.
Royal Bank OF Canada
Address: Royal Bank of Canada 10 York Mills Rd. 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M2P
Name Mr Douglas T. Moore
Whatsapp Number +1 416 907 9872
Just in case you are thinking of how you won without entering, then
know again that this very draw of the CA Lottery Organization in which
you have emerged as a winner was a free ticket online email address
draws where thousands of email addresses was collected from almost all
world wide websites and used for the online draws/sweepstakes and
during winners selection your email address came out among the first
ten which won you the lottery in the first winnings category and
entitles you to claim thecertified cashiers bank cheque of $48.8Million,
Yours in service
Mrs. Joy Wayne