From: "JULIO FRENK" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2024 17:46:21 -0800
7, USA. Email: ( Dear Email Owner/Fund Beneficiary, COMPEN=
SATION FUNDS PAYMENT ORDER This is to inform you that, we have been working=
towards the eradication of fraudsters and scam Artists in Africa with the =
help of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the International Monetary=
Fund (IMF) and FBI. We have been able to track down so many of this scam a=
rtist in various parts of African countries and Europe, which includes (Nig=
eria, United Kingdom, Spain, Ghana, Cameroon and Senegal) and they are all =
in Government custody now, they will appear at International Criminal Court=
(ICC) Hague (Netherlands) soon for Criminal/Fraud Justice. During the cour=
se of our investigation, we have been able to recover so much money from th=
ese scam artists. The United Nations Anti-Crime Commission and the Internat=
ional Monetary Fund (IMF) have ordered that the money recovered from the Sc=
ammers to be shared among 100 Lucky people around the World for compensatio=
n. This Email/Letter is been directed to you because your email address was=
found in one of the scammer Artists file and computer hard-disk while the =
investigation, maybe you have been scammed. You are therefore being compens=
ated with the sum of US2, 200,000.00 (US$) (Two Million Two Hundred Thousan=
d United State Dollars). We have arranged your payment to be paid to you di=
rect to your bank account in your country. To receive the above fund, you a=
re therefore advised to contact the (TRUIST BANK ) who will transfer the fu=
nd to your bank account from Reserve Bank. We have advised the Bank Agent t=
o open a private email address with a new number as to enable us to monitor=
this payment and the transfer communications to avoid further delay or mis=
direction of your fund. Kindly contact the TRUIST BANK private Bank Agent n=
ow with the below contact details: Contact: ART RAMIREZ Compensation Fund T=
ransfer Dept. (TRUIST BANK) Contact Contact him n=
ow and forward the below details to him: 1. Your Full Name: 2. Your Age: 3.=
Occupation: 4. Your Home Address: 5. Cell/Mobile Number: Yours in Service.=
MR. JULIO FRENK United Nations Funds Investigation Unit. Please make sure =
you are a scam victim to respond to this Email if this mail come as an Erro=
r Ignore it and Delete Immediately Email Disclaimer