From: Alex walter <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 12:05:09 +0000
Subject: Attn: Dear, re-confirm your information
After meeting was held recently with the IMF /UN concerning the unclaimed
funds denied to many people all over the world.and It was discovered during
this Annual meeting that no funds have been paid to you since you have been
approved to receive compensation payment of $1.800.000. (One Million eight
Hundred Thousand USD dollars) after your email was submitted by the IMF.
And for security reasons your compensation payment of $1.800.000, has been
credited to an ATM master card, and I have personally paid for the
processing and the delivery of the ATM Card on your behalf. Considering the
terms and conditions of the UPS Delivery services, until the delivery
charges are paid, your ATM Card package cannot be registered for
delivery,so I decided to make the payment on your behalf. so that your
funds, $1.800.000,cannot be reverted to the Federal Government treasury
account. I trust that when you receive your ATM Card definitely you must
pay me back and also, compensate me for helping you.
Now I want you to contact UPS Express delivery Agent, Mr.Akira Waldra, via
email below and re-confirm your information to them, your passport or ID
card photocopy/phone number/address where you would want the package to be
delivered to you.
Mr.Akira Waldra
Like I stated earlier, the credit, delivery and the company registration
charges have been paid by me, but I did not pay their security storage fees
since they refused, and the reason is that they do not know when you are
going to contact them and the demurrage might have increased by then. They
told me that presently, the security storage is $175 only you have to pay,
and to avoid accumulation of more charges you should endeavour to contact
them between now, and the next 4-days..because delay is dangerous.
Dr. Ronkey David
Financial ministry payment officer
Dakar Senegal