From: "United Nations (UN)" <>
Reply-To: "United Nations (UN)" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 04:10:18 -0800
Subject: United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors/Humanitarian Partners
United Nations (UN)
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Dear goodwill Readers
This email is to inform you that The United Nations (UN) and Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is seeking for reliable persons to serve as humanitarian goodwill ambassadors to the under-privileged people in their country and across other countries.
United Nations Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace are distinguished individuals who will be carefully selected from the fields of public life and also agree to help focus on worldwide attention in the works of the United Nations.
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is the part of the (UN) United Nations Secretariat responsible to bring together humanitarian goodwill ambassadors and ensure a coherent response to disasters and emergencies. (OCHA) Ensures that there is a framework within which each humanitarian goodwill ambassadors can contribute to the overall response effort to alleviate human suffering Because of the growing needs for the under-privileged people around the world.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization aiming to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and a center for harmonizing the actions of nations, Hence it is saddled with the responsibility to helping the poor, orphans, refugees, victims of natural disasters, wars and famines. by helping to implement the UN 17 SDG agenda which includes:
1.No Poverty
2.Zero Hunger
3.Good health and well being
4.Quality Education
5.Gender Equality
6.Clean water and Sanitation.
7.Affordable and Clean Energy.
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth
9.Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
10.Reduced Inequalities
11.Sustainable Cities and Communities
12.Responsible Consumption and Production
13.Climate Action
14.Life below Water
15.Life on Land
16.Peace Justice and strong Institutions
17.Partnership for the Goals.
The United Nations is currently inducting Goodwill Ambassadors/Humanitarian Partners to ensure that growing humanitarian needs are met in accordance with global best practice to help the poor, orphans, refugees and displaced people in different countries and communities across the world. They shall also provide financial assistance in form of loans and grants to individuals/organisations, but most importantly Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to execute specific projects of interest in order to promote development in the society or country.
Humanitarian work is a material and logistic assistance given to people in need, homeless, refugees, victims of natural disaster, wars and famines etc.
Agriculture plays one of the major role in the economy of any society, hence the UN sees it as a veritable tool to fight against hunger and poverty therefore we are relying on our experience and your finance including in-kind contributions or skills in the agricultural field believing a lot will be achieved, thereby establishing agricultural hubs for local farmers to access a ready international market to produce agricultural products for human consumption and also this will serve as a means of employment to all the youth.
All interested candidates are to send a mail request to the office of the Secretary General, through the department of "Global Communications (DGC)" at, indicating your interest to be a "Goodwill Ambassador" for humanitarian affairs and also indicating your field and experience and how you can use same to work for the progress of your society, create employment opportunities and prove your capacity to mobilize, fight against hunger, poverty and generally show how you can use this platform to add value and progress to the organization.
All appointed Ambassadors are allocated with funds to carry out the humanitarian affairs in the society based on their fields, and also provided with some incentives such as UN diplomatic passport which will enable them travel to any part of the world where their attention/service is needed, A standard monthly stipend/allowance scheme to all candidates who has been successfully registered/appointed as either ordinary member of the humanitarian organization or as a Goodwill Ambassador.
Conclusively all interested candidates are to send their resume to the registrar department through their active email:
Best regards,
Department of Global Communications (DGC),
Secretary General.