From: <>
Date: Fri, 01 Dec 2023 05:18:45 +0800
Subject: Re:B e l o v e d In God!!
My Beloved In God.
I am Mrs Agnes S c h u l z e from munchen Germany, a wido.w to late Dr. A. Schroder. l am 51 years o l d and a converted born again Christian, suffering from long time c.ancer of the breast, from all indication my?y condition is reall-y deteriorating and my doctors a-dvised i can,not live long
My late husband and my only child d i e d last five years ago, his death was politically motivated. My late husband was a very rich and wealthy oil business man who was running his o i l,Gold/Diamond B u s i n e s s here in West Africa . After his death, I inheri.ted all his business and wealth.
As my doctors advice i will not more than two year, I now decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. I collected y o u r email address during my desperate search on the internet I decided to d o n a t e the s u m of $17,500,000.00 USD for work of humanity and charity and this f u n d is lodged in a private in Africa, Standard trust bank Ltd in Africa, which will be under your direct supervision
Indicate your i-nterest if you can work with me on this project, kindly reply via private e m a i l sch.el1861@ for details. Thanks and God bless you.
Your beloved sister in Christ.
Mrs. Agnes Schulze