From: <>
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Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 00:47:19 +0800
Subject: Re:B e l o v e d In God!!
My Beloved In God.
I am Mrs Elizabeth Schroder from munchen Germany, a wido.w to late Dr. A. Schroder. l am 51 years old and a converted born again Christian, suffering from long time cancer of the breast, from all indication my condition is really deteriorating and my doctors advised i cannot live long
My late husband and my only child d i e d last five years ago, his death was politically motivated. My late husband was a very rich and wealthy oil business man who was running his oil,Gold/Diamond B u s i n e s s here in West Africa . After his death, I inheri.ted all his business and wealth.
As my doctors advice i will not more than two year, I now decided to divide part of this wealth, to contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. I collected y o u r email address during my desperate search on the internet I decided to d o n a t e the s u m of $17,500,000.00 USD for work of humanity and charity and this f u n d is lodged in a private in Africa, Standard trust bank Ltd in Africa, which will be under your direct supervision
Indicate your interest if you can work with me on this project, kindly reply via private e m a i l for details. Thanks and God bless you.
Your beloved sister in Christ.
Mrs. Elizabeth Schroder