From: United Nations
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2023 20:59:31 +0800
Subject: FUNDS APPROVAL NOTICE Contact Jacob Leibenluft
FUNDS APPROVAL NOTICE The Council is made of nine financial regulatory agen=
cy Inspectors General and is chaired by Chris Thorson, Inspector General, U=
.S. Department of Treasury. We have taken time to review unsuccessful trans=
actions with most international inheritance/contract insurance companies an=
d other foreign banks especially in Africa, Asia and the United Kingdom. We=
wish to let you know we have communicated with most of these foreign banki=
ng institutions withholding most international payments to individuals and =
companies so as to find out why these funds were withheld, the source of th=
e funds and a final solution to these problems. Conclusively, we discovered=
most withheld and unpaid funds originating from lottery organizations, int=
ernational trading, companies' awarded contract funds and deceased persons =
were not properly filed for payment to its intended beneficiaries. Transfer=
suspension was placed on these funds because the majority of these interna=
tional funds remittance/transfer were not properly recorded by the paying i=
nstitution for future file reference/assessment by the International Moneta=
ry Fund and the Financial Services Authority. In joint alliance with the Fi=
nancial Services Authority to resolve this issue, we wish to let you know w=
e have been approved to assist you in receiving your awarded funds, the tot=
al sum of $1,250,000 (One Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars). =
We have gone through the security records of all international outstanding =
transactions and our extensive investigation confirmed you are the benefici=
ary through the assistance of the International Criminal Police Organizatio=
n (ICPO). We have obtained an Approval Authorization Letter from the Intern=
ational Monetary Fund (IMF) which states that your funds will be paid to yo=
u on proper confirmation of your claim. We wish to inform you that there is=
an existing arrangement with United Nations Federal Credit Union ( UNFCU )=
to process and pay you the sum of $1,250,000 USD as soon as you provide th=
e complete requirements needed for them to process your fund payment case. =
This was resolved in a meeting held between the International Financial Aud=
itors in Europe and our Asians representatives. Contact Jacob Leibenluft by=
replying to this email immediately. Contact Name: Jacob Leibenluft Email:j= Recovery Officer/ U.S DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY Cont=
act him with your details below. - Full names: - Your direct mobile telepho=
ne number: - Your present home address in the case of documents delivery: Y=
our nominated Bank Account information shall be requested for transfer of y=
our funds after confirmation of your funds claims by the processing directo=
r. By the virtue of the provision of the law which confer on us powers to a=
dvocate, adjudicate, suspend and authorize an immediate transfer of funds i=
nternationally, we hereby state emphatically and without prejudice that sho=
uld there be any information that may succeed your application for unclaime=
d awarded funds release that are currently deposited in most foreign banks =
in Europe, Asia and in Africa, please do not hesitate to provide the inform=
ation so that we can help you in receiving your funds. Also note that failu=
re to properly apply for the funds payment will nullify your chances of rec=
eiving your unclaimed funds and these funds will be diverted to the Treasur=
y. Regards, Susan Swart Note: If you received this message in your SPAM/JUN=
K folder, it is because of the restrictions implemented by your Internet Se=
rvice Provider and ours. We urge you to treat it genuinely. The information=
contained in this e-mail is private & confidential and may also be legally=