We have been authorized by the appointed United Nations Secretary-General, and the governing body of the UNITED
NATION’S Monetary Unit, to investigate the unnecessary delay in your payment, recommended and approved in your favor. During our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your payment has been unnecessarily delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank who are trying to divert your funds into their private accounts.
To forestall this, security for your funds was organized in the form of your Personal Identification Number (PIN) (ATM CARD) and this will enable only you to have direct control over your funds in the (ATM CARD). We will monitor this payment ourselves to avoid the hopeless situation created by the Officials of the bank. An irrevocable payment guarantee has been issued by the
Presidency of the United States on your payment. However, we are happy to inform you that based on our recommendation/instructions, your complete contract funds have been credited in your favor through (ATM CARD).
You are therefore advised to contact: Damoni Kitabire Chairman, Stanbic Bank of Uganda Holdings Ltd
through the e-mail address:, Tel: +256 764 144-036
Contact him now for the delivery of your (ATM CARD). As soon as you establish contact with him,
an ATM card will be issued to you immediately that you can use to withdraw your funds from any ATM in any part of the world. But, the maximum is Ten Thousand dollars per day. So if you like to receive your funds through this means you are advised to contact the ATM card payment center with the following information as stated below:
You're Full Name===
Cell Phone Number==
Whats-app Number===
Your Company names=
Home Address=======
Monthly Income=====
Your Gender========
Nearest Airport ===
Next Of Kin Name===
Next Email Address=
NOTE: WITH YOUR CORRECT AND VALID DETAILS. ALSO, BE INFORMED THAT THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID NOW IS $10.7 MILLION. Proceed with the necessary arrangement for the delivery of your ATM VISA/MASTER CARD Value (US$10.7Million)
We expect your urgent response to this email to enable us to monitor this payment effectively, thereby, making contact with
Mr. Damoni Kitabire, as directed to avoid further delay.
Mrs. Anne Juuko, United Nations Agent.