My esteemed.
Please, confirm if you received the previous email/letter that I sent you a few days ago, the one that contained the original proposal, if you received it or it was sent directly to the spam folder. I mean the one that contains the same (surname) with my client. I am so embarrassed by this, my letter to you was ignored and I am not sure how this happened which may jeopardize our business.
I want to make sure you get it and hopefully you have a chance, it will work well for you and you need to be more serious about it with your relative, an entrepreneur contractor who lived in Europe (Spain) for over a decade and successfully executed a contract. Before the death of my deceased client; my client successfully executed a contract worth $9.4 Million in projects and the government is fully paying in full all foreign contractors who have successfully completed their contracts and my client is one of those to benefit from this payment plan, which has already been deposited with his bank. As the Attorney/ Solicitor present during the registry of the contract of my late client, the bank has officially notified and instructed me to present the heir / heiress to make claim on the outstanding deposit, which has been recorded.
I would like to present you as a family member (beneficiary) to the bank. You have a common last name with him as my client's closest relative next of kin. I want to assure you that I am proposing this project to you with the best of my intentions. All I require from you is your honest cooperation. I guarantee that this transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. Upon successful completion of this project, once the deposit has been released to you, we will disburse the content in the ratio of 50% /50% for me respectively as our benefit ($4.7M each).
Defending the interests of our clients,privilege and protection as a lawyer-client and depending on us as lawyers.Reply strictly to my email: You can also call me for effective communication and oral clarification.
* Your printed name: -----
* Phone number: ------
Respectfully yours,
+ (34) 9761-192-892
Carlos Borja Gonzalez
Senior Associates LLP (lawyer)