From: "Attorney Brad Smit" (may be fake)
Date: Sat, 20 May 2023 05:32:41 -0700
Subject: From Attorney Brad Smit
I am Attorney Brad Smith by name, a Legal Practitioner and a Legal Adviser with a Security Vault.
This is to notify you that our client "Dr. Jean Gilbert C. Ph.D" who passed away on November 20th 2020 has deposited with a Security Vault with us and your name tallies with one of the NEXT OF KIN he mentioned on the paper work of the deposit, My client until his death worked in different firms such as: Chief Psychiatric Social Worker, Public Health Commissioner for the County of Los Angeles, he also worked for Alma Family Services before becoming CEO until his death. as I write you, he has with deposit with a Security firm an amount in the sum of US$17,750,000.000 (Seventeen Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars) Only which I need your cooperation to work with me and see that the fund is retrieved and moved out to you because your names tallies with one of the Next of Kin he mentioned on the deposit blueprint documents.
My late client having his survivors all died few weeks in the late Year 2020 as a result of the deadly Wave of the Covid-19 which the contracted when they met for his funeral in that year 2020, am ready to work this out with you to see that the money in question is released to you as the only surviving next of Kin because on the Blueprint here you mentioned
All I need is your response and positive co-operation to have us work this out
You can read about my chambers through this site:
I look forward to your response.
Yours in service
Attorney Brad Smith.