From: TD Bank <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2023 09:25:57 +0100
Subject: Payment Order
TD Bank Foreign Debt Management Department
Address: 55 King St W, Toronto, ON M5K 1A2, Canada.
Our Ref: TDB-XXX2022.LN 213
It is my modest obligation to write you this letter in regards to the
authorization of your owed payment through our most respected financial
institution (Toronto Dominion Bank). I am Mrs. Naomi V V Robert, the
Director Foreign Dept. Management Department of Toronto Dominion Bank
Canada. In conjunction with the US Government Organization on foreign
payment matters has empowered my bank after much consultation and
consideration, to handle all foreign payments and release them to their
appropriate beneficiaries.
Be informed that your payment is on the last batch list that will receive
their payment before the end April 2023. Be advised that because of too
many funds beneficiaries due for payment at this last batch of the year,
you are entitled to receive the sum of $13.5 Million USD, only as your
payment please kindly re-confirm the following information:
1, Your Name 2, Address 3, Telephone number 4, Age and occupation: to
enable us to proceed.
Am urgently hope to get your response as soon as possible
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Naomi V V Robert
Director Foreign Remittance Departmen