From: Mr Florian Barbi <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 13:56:42 -0700
Subject: Hello,Successor, Good Day.
First Nations Bank Chicago,
5757 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60646 USA.
FDIC# 17438
Good Day.
I hope this email finds you well. I am Mr Florian Barbi,A representative of
the management Board of First Nations Bank of Chicago.
I have been mandated to apprise you of your settlement fund in the sum of
$25 million US dollars.
The Finance Commission of Chicago, expects you to meet up with a few
requirements as compliance with the Chicago Financial Laws and Fund
Clearing and Settlement acts.
To begin with your fund release.Please fill out the form send to the email
below Questionnaire:
* Do you accept this $25 million US fund as confirmed?
* What are your Legal full names?
* What is your current address?
* What is your previous address?
* What is your Mobile & Office phone number?
* Attach your driving license reflecting your current address or previous or
* Attach your recent utility bill reflecting your name and current address.
* Do you own or rent?
* What is your occupation?
I am looking forward to your swift reply.
Thank you for choosing First Nations Bank of Chicago.
Trust Services are safer and reliable for all Digital Banking.
24/7- Service.
From The Desk Of:Mr Florian Barbi
President,Chairman and CEO
Email Us@INFO
This notification email should be your confidential property to avoid
impersonators claiming your fund.