From: "David Bongo Bongani" <>
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:05:42 -0700
Attention: CEO/DIRECTOR,
I am writing based on the information about your e-mail which I got from the foreign office of South African Chamber of Commerce
Allow me this opportunity to introduce myself and the purpose of this proposal. I am Dr Bongani David Bongo, Member of Contract and Business Forum, which is a team for a rural community consortium here in South Africa formed for the sole purpose of bidding for a lucrative infrastructural project from the current government here in South Africa.
I am reaching you in my private capacity, regarding various opportunities in infrastructural development that we both can benefit immensely from. A brief background of myself, I do belong to the ruling party here in South Africa's current democratic government. I am an active member in good standing till date for more than thirty years.
Due to my activism and close connection to top members of the governing party, some of us happen to have privileges to lucrative contracts from the government on infrastructural development through a private rural community consortium, formed as a vehicle for this purpose. I am a full-time politician and also a business executive.
My reason for contacting you, is to solicit your candid assistance in collaborating with me through this consortium as a foreign company sub-contractor, to enable the facilitation of payment release of some lucrative contracts awarded to us and which has also been executed. These executed contracts were over invoiced during the bidding and award process, through the assistance of our inside contacts at the Chief Procurement Officer's office at national treasury, who is a comrade.
Full details of this opportunity will be unfolded to you, including the amounts involved once I have a positive indication of your willingness to collaborate with me through our consortium in facilitating the payment release.
My assurance to you, is that every of your involvement with me on this collaboration, will be transparent and 100% risk free I am a member of the ruling party, as all we need to do is have your company as a foreign sub-contracting partner company to our consortium to legitimize the total contract amount which will include the over invoiced portion.
Kindly do let me know of your willingness to collaborate with me, by a reply email to this effect.
Sincerely Yours
Dr Bongani David Bongo
Member of Contract and Business Forum