From: "Mr.Francis Omehia" (may be fake)
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2023 10:12:57 -0700
Subject: Re: Awaiting/.
Dear Customer,
I'm Mr.Francis Omehia, Director, International Remittance Dept/Credit Control Unit, Central Bank of Nigeria.
I have this privilege information having the sincere wish to help you receive your funds, it is unfortunate that you have not received your funds due to your incapable representatives with their unprofessional approach to accomplish the release of your funds. I'm very optimistic and confident personally to transfer your funds into your account without our bank laid down procedures.
I'm capable and ready to wire your funds without further interference by those past directors concerned especially now that your fund is in the bond account awaiting for transfer, hence I want you to follow my instructions as I'm ready to ensure that you receive your funds, I want you to take my words in good confidence and trust in my capacity towards ensuring the immediate transfer of your funds into your account.
It is totally against the ethics and civil service code of conduct to review this, I want to do it in my personal capacity believing that you will reward me after the funds have been credited into your account for my effort. Note: either you set up a new bank account or send a different bank account already set up where you want the funds to be transferred into.
I control the computer panel and the HB2 Hard Disk System - I will clean up the tracer once the transfer is done and delete the history of the transaction so that no one can trace the fund's destination. Note: to assist transfer the funds into your account, you will reward me with 5% from the total sum.
I have carefully perfected the arrangement for smooth transfer of the funds to your bank account before contacting you.
I Await your timely response.
Sincerely yours,
Mr.Francis Omehia
Dir., In'l Remittance Dept.
Central Bank of Nigeria