From: "Dr.Pual Williams" <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2023 21:23:01 +0100
I wish to inform you that i have registered your BANK DRAFT to the DHL
COURIER COMPANY, the BANK DRAFT values $4.8 million united state
dollars and the delivery charges has been paid, but I did not pay for
their official Security keeping fees since they refused to collect,
and their Reasons was because they do not know exactly when you are
going to contact DHL COURIER COMPANY, the Official Security keeping
fee is $45 dollars per a day.
I deposited it yesterday beaning March 30 2023 the keeping fee is the
only money you are going to pay to the DHL , so kindly contact DHL
COURIER COMPANY immediately to avoid increase of their keeping fee
Contact Mr.George Gilbert DHL Courier Company Director and ask him how
you Can Send the Official Security keeping fees to Them, The Official
Security Keeping Fees is $45 per day.
Below is their Contact Information's,
Contact Person: Dr.George Gilbert DHL DIRECTOR GENERAL
So contact him now on this Email Address :( )
Kindly reconfirm your full information's for the delivering of your
package such as,
Your Full Name...........
Your Home Address........
Your Country.......
Your current Phone Numbers........
You personal identification........
Your Occupation.....
Best Regard
Dr.Pual Williams