1 Madison Avenue New York,
NY 10010-3629 United States of America
Attention: Beneficiary,
Reference : Approved Compensation Funds
This is to bring to your notice that We the CREDIT SUISSE GROUP (CSG ) Has been Mandated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and United Nations of Africa to Source and to pay over 300 scam victims discovered by FBI Subsequent Arrest Of Over 150 Email Scammers / Fraudster Operating within/ Outside the Shores of the United States of America and the EU with the Assistance of Other Financial Crime Agencies.Based On the FBI and other monetary financial institution Investigation they Noticed That You Have Wasted A Lot Of Money In The Hands Of Fraudsters As Regards Your Fund.
Now that the agencies/ U.S authority has instructed the Credit Suisse Group to pay all foreign beneficiary their compensation Inheritance contract & dating funds into your bank account through Normal Banking Practices and Financial Service Provision. I shall feed you with further modalities as soon as you acknowledging the receipt of my mail.
The CREDIT SUISSE GROUP (CSG ) .The Government was alarmed so much at the meetings at the extent of loss of funds by various individuals to the global scams artists operating as syndicates all over the world today. In order to compensate victims for their part-payment fund , the United States of America authority is now paying 300 victims of these operators (US$950,000.00)) each in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) recommendations. For Due Process and Accountability, the payments will be made through Recommended Financial Institutions and supervised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Kindly send below information is required from you
Full Name:
This is a golden opportunity for you now to receive your scam victims and your Immediate Response is highly needed to enable us to commence for the release of your fund
Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
Mr. Richard Thornburgh
Chief Risk Officer
Credit Suisse Group