From: "Mrs. Patricia Alamini" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 03:48:25 -0700
Subject: Dear beloved in Christ i trust
Greetings to your personality and much sincerity of this purpose. I am Mrs.
Patricia Alamini, a Christian born on August 22, 1956 in Kenya. I had to
contact you in this way because I want to get rid of a burden that is most
important to me. Indeed, my heart is sick because I am affected by an
illness that has been degrading my life for almost a year. According to the
Doctor the Blood Ball that settled in the brain is at a very advanced level
and therefore any surgery would be a failure in advance. I am afraid that
the rest of my money will be about five million euros 5,000,000.00 Euros
will be a mess after my death of course after a long reflection and through
my prayers, I made this decision to contact you. This fortune better serves
elsewhere and lets others benefit from it more in need than in care that
actually only ruins my life. I want you to accomplish my wishes by building
help centers, orphanages, hospitals and churches then keep 30 percent of it
for your retirement.
I am currently in the United Arab Emirates Dubai receiving treatment but my
health is not good therefore get back to me if you are ready to make good
use of the money. I'm not always online due to my health and again money
means nothing to a dying soul but life is for the living. Please treat this
as very legitimate as I await your confirmation of your legal names,
address and contact telephone number. My health is very bad now.
Best Regards
Mrs. Patricia Alamini
Dear beloved in Christ i trust