From: Kelly Michael <>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:37:56 +0100
Subject: Respond Urgently
Mr.Kelly Michael
#7, Boulevard Latrille 25 Bp 945
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
(+225) 22 40 64 30
Greetings Sir,/Madam,
I have a business proposal for you, this however is not mandatory nor
will I in any manner compel you to honor against your wish.I am
personal account officer to M.s.Nelda Parker Pace (LATE),and I want to
inform you that an amount of US$12.5 Million will be moved on your
name as the Foreign Business Partner to our late deceased customer
from Florida U.S.A, I need your assistance and co-operation to receive
this fund as we shall share some part of the money and invest the
balance in your Country but You will receive this amount through a
bank wire transfer from "Atlantique Banque" in Abidjan Cote Ivoire.
The Bank has issued me a final notice to provide the next of
Inheritance or have the account confiscated. Since I have been
unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over three years, I seek
your consent to present you as the next of kin of my deceased client
so the proceeds of this account valued at US$12.5 Million dollars can
be transferred to you and then our sharing ratio should be 60% for you
and 40% for me. I have all the necessary legal documents that can be
used to back up our claim with the Bank.
As soon as i hear from you and upon your strong assurance that you
will assist and not let me down nor sit on the fund once it goes into
your account i will then send you the "Text of Application Form" which
you will fill with your personal information and send to Atlantique
Banque here for immediate transfer of the funds to your account.
If you are interested, Please indicate so we can proceed because this
transaction is expected to last within seven bank working days to
confirm the fund into your bank account for our sharing and investment
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Mr.Kelly Michael
#7, Boulevard Latrille 25 Bp 945
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire
(+225) 22 40 64 30