From: Oumar Cheick <>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2023 03:33:46 +0100
I am taking a bold step out of trust to meet you. My name is Oumar Cheick,
working with one of the leading financial firms as Head of Foreign Group
Treasury, Asset and Liability Management. I wish to seek your assistance
for the transfer of US$45,000,000.00. (forty Five Million United State
Dollars). Depository made by a foreign investor for an investment program
that has remained dormant for years now.
Few of our bank top official directors wanted to divert this fund into
their privateâs accounts because the depositor has been deceased since 2006.
The depositor who deposited the money into our bank since 2003 the account
has been under ESCROW CODED account since 2003. He made the deposit into
our bank till date.
I discovered that the account holder died without making a WILL on the
depository. and upon my further curious investigation, the deceased was a
member of a government agency where huge amounts of money were reportedly
missing. This money cannot be approved to a local bank account holder, but
can only be approved to a foreigner. If you will stand as next of kin to
the fund, it will be a deal and will be shared 60%/40%, as this is a me and
you business deal transaction.
I shall provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help
you understand the transaction. I need your assistance and co-operation to
this reality as I have done my Home-work and fine tuned the best way to
create you as the beneficiary of the fund. My position as the branch
manager of the bank will be used to advance this deal.
I have already placed clues on the account as I discovered conspiracy
activities moving into the account data-files by few of our bank Board of
Directors trying to share the fund among themselves because the account was
inactive and also under ESCROW CODED account since 2003. It happened that I
was the private personal accountant officer monitoring the account and i
went and place clues on the account whereby our bank board of directors
stay off from the account because without the ESCROW CODES of the account
they cannot maneuver into the account because i was the only one whose the
ESCROW CODES was under his Custody.
Please, all I need from you now is to stand as the Next of Kin to the
account depositor because the depositor fail to include any NEXT OF
KIN/BENEFICIARY information into his files which I had with me which is the
reason our top bank board of directors wanted to divert the fund within
themselves before I fish out the movement going on through the depositor
account data-files before I place a clues on the account which scared them
away and meanwhile they could not found the ESCROW CODES.
All I needed from you now to kickoff this Deal is you to stand as the Next
of Kin to the deceased customer who lost his precious life on an Earthquake
disaster that happened in JAVA Indonesia on May 26th 2006 in java Indonesia
that killed over 5,000 people, as he was in Indonesia on a Business trip
and that was where he ended up his life in such disaster which i hope you
might have read about the news or heard about the disaster that befall
Indonesia in 2006.
I am calling on you to accept my proposal and assist me to get this deal
done for the benefit of our families . All I need from you is YES that you
will assist me and I will give you more details on what I need from you for
us to start the process and grant you more information.
Thank you for understanding
Mr. Oumar Cheick