From: Eddie Williams Baggett <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:54:21 -0800
Subject: You Have An Untstanding Refund !!!A
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Dear Customer,
My Name is Mr.Eddie Williams Baggett. I am the Head of Computing Dept & Finance Director of Commonwealth Bank here.
Our transaction management system detects that you are entitled to receive Fund. We also work in collaboration with America, Asia, Africa and Australian clearing houses.
Your refund is Available online: $= 1,835,000??,00 USD
To accept fast payment online, follow directives and save the refund information:
Registration date 01/09/2022
Registration number: 1110TR346093
Details Reg.Ref: LSB/CI/ACC/4410956859/022
The Refund services
Complying does a lot of good! We can carry out procedures online with ease:
consult Eddie Williams Baggett (
Thank You
Eddie Williams Baggett
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