From: Takeshi Fujiyama <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2023 11:27:03 +0200
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Potential_cooperation_=F0=9F=A4=9D?=
My name is Takeshi Fujiyama and I work for the Resona Bank in the
investment division. We are the fifth-largest banking group in Japan and I
work out of the Thailand representative office.
I have a proposition for you. This involves transferring funds to you from
an investment account that has been inactive for a number of years. The
account owner has been deceased for several years and no one has come
forward to claim the funds. The money has been sitting in the account for
over 6 and a half years. It will automatically be sent to our government,
if no claim is filed with our office within 7years. That gives me just
under 6 months to find a willing partner to share these funds with.
If I can transfer the money to someone who can stand in as the next of kin,
then there will be no eyebrows raised, as it will appear that the money is
being transferred to a relative.
If you are someone I can trust to receive the funds, please let me know.
The amount in the account is over US$11 Million. Absolute confidentiality
is required of you, if you agreed to share these funds with me. I will use
my position here at the bank, to obtain documents to support the claim, so
that the outgoing transfer to you, will not be questioned by anyone.
We will discuss your share of the funds and all other details once you have
agreed to proceed.
If I don't hear back from you, I will assume you have no interest and I
will continue my search for a partner who will stand in as next of kin for
the deceased account holder.
For your information, here is our bank’s website:
I hope to hear back from you soon, because time is against me.
Takeshi Fujiyama