From: Kevin Roberts <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 04:05:45 -0800
My Dear, Good Day to you,
My name is MR. KEVIN ROBERTS, from United Kingdom, I am bosom friend to
late Pilot Lewis Tonkinson, from West Bromwich United Kingdom. Mr. Lewis
Tonkinson was a co-founder of Pinnacle Marketing ommunications which has a
registered office in Caroline Street in the Jewellery Quarter.
Actually, Pilot Lewis Tonkinson and his wife Sally were flying home with
their son when their light aircraft smashed into woodland on 14 April 2016
and they die and left their six-year-old son.
Please Carefully, visit this webpage;
Therefore, 1’ m contacting you to stand as one of the business associates
to my late client (late Pilot Lewis Tonkinson) because of his versatile in
numerous business partners globally as no one could questioned, as his only
survival son was affected by the Aircraft Mishap as he is amount the
children with down-syndrome, and UK Government takes care of him, since the
government keep hold of all his parents investments and many are will to
the charitable homes.
Furthermore, I will like to present you as the business partner to late
Pilot Lewis Tonkinson, so that we can receive his fund and contract balance
worth 3.8 million dollars (Three million eight hundred thousand United
States dollars) he left with a bank here in USA. I was his close friend
before he died, all my effort to get in contact with his relatives has been
futile as none of the family members or UK Government have any information
about this fund, and if we could not claim the fund, the bank account of
late Pilot Lewis Tonkinson will be confiscated and the fund transferred to
treasury account of the bank as unclaimed fund.
Lastly, due to the fact my two legs are paralyzed and I am not much active,
So, I want you to work with me to secure this fund for our mutual benefit;
All I require from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this
transaction through. I guarantee it will be executed under legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. Upon your
acceptance to this proposal, this transaction deserves utmost sincerity and
confidentiality till the fund gets transferred into your account. View
appendix for copy of my passport for your perusal.
I await your urgent response indicating your interest. View appendix for
copy of passport for your perusal.
Best Regards,
Mr. Roberts Kevin