From: Katherine Bouake <>
Happy New Year 2023 Dearest One
Happy New Year 2023 Dearest One, I came across your e-mail contact
prior to a private search while in need of your assistance. I was
compelled to write to you under a humanitarian ground, however, this
is not mandatory nor will I in any manner compel you to honour against
your will, I am Mrs. Katherine Bouake, I am contacting you from
hospital here for important information which I will like to discuss
with you, something very important. I'm really in a pitiable situation
here in this in hospital.
I have some funds I inherited from my late loving husband Mr. Kenneth
Bouake, the sum of $6.500.000 Six Million Five Hundred Thousand
Dollars which he deposited in a Bank here and some 150 kilos
quantities of Alluvial Gold Dust which he deposited in a security
storage company here, I want to set up a Charity Project and business
investment in your Country under your control with my inheritance
funds, please reply to confirm your email address and for more
details. I lost my late husband by the Corona Virus Disease, I will
need your urgent response because my health situation is very
critical, I don't know what is going to happen next, Kindly try and
respond back to me.
Thank You very much and I am waiting for your urgent response
concerning this very important message, have a peaceful moment with
lots of love, respect and humility.
Yours Sincerely
Katherine Bouake