From: Chief Judge <>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 07:05:34 +0000
Subject: Dear Customer
I am Chief Judge, We the Supreme Court of Florida write again today to
announce to you that the total sum of $950.000.00 USA Dollars is
stillâ under our Care for Security purpose. what another assurance do
you need before you will send the required
fee of $25 Ebay Gift Card or iTunes Card? for us to proceed with your
payment file, we have assured you a time without number that this is
genuine and legitimate, I swear to God almighty father before and am
here to swear again that nothing will stop you to start receiving your
fund! after this $25, if i fail to start sending you your fund! within
24hours after you send the $25 iTunes Card as i promise then you know
that i am
lying to you,
we can not fail you, i promise you, don't fear as soon as you send the
$25 today please leave the rest to me and see if i am lying to you or
not because i can not swear because of $25? but just to show you that
what am telling you is truth so please try to understand me by sending
this $25 today, i know is big amount but is too small for the amount
you have to receive within 48hours okay.
I am here by giving you 100% Assurance that you will receive your fund
immodestly after the payment so we I am looking forward to hear from
you right away and make the payment as you said because I hate any
thing promise and fail I am waiting to
hear from you now.
Awaiting to receive the payment of $25 Ebay Gift Card or iTunes Card
Thank you for your understand and God bless you.
Do not fail to reply or we send it to the address of your representative:
Mrs Doris Woolwine
9009 SE Causey Ave Apt G 34
Happy Valley,â Oregon 97086 USA
Choose your preferred options and bought the card.
1.Itunes Gift Card
2.Ebay Gift Card
3.Steam Wallet Card
4.Amazon Gift Card
Yours in Services
Chief Judge