From: "Roy Cockrum" <>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2022 04:55:56 -0700
Subject: Greetings to you
Compliment of the day to you,
My name is Roy Cockrum, (Chief Executive Officer of Roy Cockrum foundation=
s ) born and raised in the area of Knoxville, Tennessee. After winning my P=
ower ball Jackpot of $259.8 Million, I promised God that I will do the righ=
t thing to his glory by investing 50% of my money to charity in helping hum=
anity starting from 2019.My foundation picked 360 lucky people/family to be=
blessed from registered email addresses provided to me by Microsoft list/G=
oogle list/Facebook users. I may not know you, but I believe if you were =
chosen by God to receive my grant donation of US$.275,000.00 USD. You must =
be a God-fearing individual; I am a Christian and I believe that Good thing=
s happen to those people who wait and also believe in faith and in truth. =
Information just reached my office from the Citcokeycrop Bank which is our=
contracted paying bank stating that some selected beneficiaries were unabl=
e to come for their claims there by leaving their grant funds in the bank. =
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: All of Mr. Cockrum's Foundation gifts and donations hav=
e been made! No new gifts or donations to strangers will be coming in the f=
uture! This is why we are trying to pay out all unclaimed donation amounts.=
Be assured you stand no risk as this is my money, for source and verific=
ation Please you can read more about me by Viewing this: http://www.dailyma=
ize.html Having gone through the unclaimed payment files , Your name was =
among the selected beneficiary to benefit from my donation but was not paid=
due to several emails being sent to you that came back undelivered and sti=
ll unreachable by phone. =
Let it be known that my foundation has stopped giving out grant donations =
but we are trying to reach out to the list of names that could not get thei=
r payment once again to see that all selected beneficiaries get paid. If yo=
u have the opportunity to receive this notification, Send your Formal Appli=
cation with payment sort Identification code: FRB/USTD/022 as follows for i=
mmediate attention and payment to you. =
May the Good Lord bless you. Mr. Roy Cockrum E-mail:- cockrumroy2012@gmail=
.com =A9 Roy Cockrum Foundation