From: "MR. LESLIE WOON" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 20:47:15 -0700
Subject: GOOD DAY...
Headquartars Address: London Fruit =
And Wool Exchange, 1 Duval square,
City of London, United Kingdom.
Phone: +44 7475 968588
In accordance with the United Nations mandatory policy on international mo=
netary transactions in conjunction with the World financial policy, This no=
tification is in respect of your compensation payment in which your email w=
as forwarded to us by the data recovery insurance agency England, We re yet=
to confirm that you exist we were informed that you do not exist by the re=
port submitted, further conrrespondence with the insurance agency concludes=
that you do exist as the legal claimant on file. =
Going by the security report before us you have gone through some turbulen=
t times paying excessive charges in attempt to release your Funds without s=
uccess. We strongly advise you to seize further communications/corresponden=
ce with any individual, or its Agents regarding your fund, because they hav=
e no legitimate service to offer you, but rather they will continue to man=
ipulate and con you . Any further dealings with these miscreants will be at=
your own risk.
Following the issuance of the Foreign Exchange Approval on the recommendati=
on of the United Nations Protocol's Blue Book "Permanent Missions No. 295",=
issued in October 2018 with ST/SG/SER.A/295/Add.5. I am pleased to inform =
you that Starling Trust Bank London one of the leading banks in the United =
Kingdom, have been giving the sole right for release of your payment Starli=
ng Trust Bank London operates out of the United Kingdom with around 340,300=
employees. It manages a network of over 2,000 branches and operates in ov=
er 164 countries, as well we have also conveniently located more than 46,52=
1 ATMs globally.
Take note that all expenses taxes have been mapped out by the united natio=
ns therefore i want you to bear it in mind that your total funds will be tw=
elve million five hundred thousand united states dollars ($12 ,500 000.00) =
therefore we kindly ask that you forward the following details of yours as =
stated below for us to process your payment.
Occupation: =
I look forward to a swift response from you. thank you.
Mr. Leslie Woon
General manager
Starling trust Bank London