From: " I.M.F.Head Office"<>
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 15:22:36 +0100
( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20431, USA.
phone No:+13602917610.
Attention; Fund Beneficiary,
This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a=
great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experienc=
ing in getting your long over due payment, due to excessive demand for mone=
y from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which=
your fund remain unpaid to you. I am Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, a highly pl=
aced official of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It may interest you=
to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on=
the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Cour=
ier Companies/Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London Uk. We have=
decided to put a stop to that.
All Governmental and Non-Governmental prostates, NGOs, Finance Companies, =
Banks, Security Companies and Courier companies which have been in contact =
with you of late have been instructed to back off from your transaction and=
you have been advised NOT to respond to them anymore since the Internation=
al Monetary Fund (IMF) is now directly in charge of your payment. Your name=
appeared in our payment schedule list of beneficiaries that will receive t=
heir funds in this first quarter payment of the year because we only transf=
er fund twice in a year according to our banking regulation. We apologize f=
or the delay of your payment and please stop communicating with any office =
now and attention to our office payment accordingly.
Now your new Payment, United Nation Approval No; UN5685P, White House Appr=
oved No: WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632, Password No=
: 339331, Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103,=
Released Code No: 0763; Immediate (IMF) Telex confirmation No: -1114433; S=
ecret Code No: XXTN013.
Your payment inheritance fund is USD$10.7Million. Having received these vi=
tal payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to received and confir=
m your payment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) immediately. We a=
ssure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my direct=
ives and instructions. We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: 047=
. Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Christine Lagarde, chec=
k if there is CODE (047) if the code is not written, please delete the mass=
age from your box!
You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institutions wi=
th respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you dire=
ctly from our source. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this ins=
truction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on: ( =
) with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your =
fund will be released.
Ms. Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F)(047).