From: "Mr. Thurston Paul" <>
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Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2022 23:01:49 -0700
Subject: NOTICE.
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How do you do, My name is Thurston Paul (Manager, PR & Public Affairs, AB Resources). I just reviewed your email through my email search and I would be very interested in giving you a part-time paying job as a cash representative for my company, in USA, in which you could earn a lot This job would be based on contract and commission terms, it is a part-time job and it would involve quite a lot of trust and honesty. This project has also been developed not to affect your present job nor bring about any form of stress but in order to help take care of those extra costs,and you could make a minimum of $3,500 a month,.
Meanwhile there is no start up cost required I took time to make this explanatory enough so you could understand what the job entails. Presently, we have just been granted a funding to head a research project in the tropical regions of europe regarding Oil Drainage Planning and Management and this would be commencing very soon.
However the funding would be made mostly in the USA, as regards the source of funding of this project. Your willing to work as a Payment Representative now will help and save time so that this project can be concluded as soon as possible and I am ready to get you started All you need to do is on getting the payment on behalf of the company.
It was a good idea to hire someone trustworthy having read your resume and 'assuming' you would be able to deal with this, I would be willing to employ you on contract basis. Bear it in mind that we would be dealing with quite honesty and dilligence I intend to commence on starting as soon as you are ready you'll be starting soon and it could be twice a week depending on your approach ...if you approach so fast,it'll be more than twice,till you're okay about it. interested pls fill in the form below this message, edit and reply back as soon as possible.
FIRST NAME--------------------------
LAST NAME------------------------------
HOME ADDRESS (NOT P.O. BOX)---------------------------------------------------..
ZIP CODE--------------------------..
PHONE NUMBER (S)--------------------------------
MARITAL STATUS---------------------------------
Mr. Thurston Paul
AB Resources
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