From: "William H. Rogers Jr" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2022 13:29:52 -1200
Subject: Your online banking account and ATM card US$900,000,00.
11600 Plaza America Dr, Reston, VA 20190, United States
President Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Jerome Powell this is
the 3rd time I am sending you this notification letter regarding your fund
under Mr. William H. Rogers Jr ,The CEO Sun-trust Bank this is the 3rd time
I am sending you this notification letter regarding your fund total
US$900,000,00 under Mr. William H. Rogers Jr ,Sun-trust Bank custody which
your online banking account and ATM card is available in your name.
I have registered your Online banking account login access ATM card with
PIN code ,shipping company this morning and we agreed up that the delivery
of your (US$900`000.00 ) in ATM CARD and online banking account which you
can transfer money from the online banking to any of your owner persona
account in your country and also withdraw $4500,00 twice cash out from the
ATM card and also make a transfer from the online account delivery will
take place 48 hours . Contact Mr. William H. Rogers Jr , the CEO Sun-trust
Bank with you full information ( )
Receiver' Name your Address your Country your city your ID
Phone Number:
Thank you Mr. Jerome Powell.
Your online banking account and ATM card US$900,000,00.