Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:21:03 +0100
CAPITAL ONE BANK.U.S.A 2301 E Riverside Dr, Austin, TX 78741,United States.=
Unclaimed Asset/Assets Re-united, USA International Remittance Department =
Tel: +1 (512) 45566604 Fax: +1 (512) 4567665 Our Ref: BR/102/0005B/90 =3D=
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D URGENT TRANSFER OF YOUR US$4,500,000.00 Atte=
ntion Beneficiary In fight against corruption in the Banking system and in =
pursuit to re-build a good relationship with foreigners by the President of=
the United States of America. We wish to inform you that every files and r=
eports concerning international payment of all the foreign beneficiaries wa=
s brought to my office in the Order and instruction of the U.S Department o=
f States and U.S Department of Treasury. I must confess that i shared tears=
after seeing your unclaimed and uncompleted transactions, It was a nationa=
l slap and a disgrace to this Country after noticing that your have paid fo=
r all the fee to receive your fund but your funds never got to your bank ac=
count because of the selfish interest of the banks and Individuals mandated=
to transfer and release your fund to your bank account. The U.S Department=
of States and U.S Department of Treasury has approved a compensation payme=
nt of US $4,500,000.00 in your name which shall be transfer to your bank ac=
count through an online, We will create an online bank in your name and you=
will transfer your fund by yourself through our online to your bank accoun=
t. We chose to transfer your fund through an online banking so that no Agen=
cy will notice or stop your fund. Sir/Ma, you shall receive this compensati=
on fund within 3 working day, if you comply with our instructions and adher=
e to our directives. Get back to us with your information as listed below. =
Your Full Name: Address: Phone number: Age and Occupation: Next of Kin: Sca=
n Copy of your identification Thank you for your mutual understanding and c=
ooperation as we wait to read from you soonest. Yours Faithfully, MR FREDER=