From: "Mr. David Williams" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 02:16:21 +0100
Subject: Dear. beloved one I need Your Urgent respond,
Greeting dear friend,
Please I want you to read this letter very carefully and I must
apologize for bringing this message into your mail box without any
formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue
and I know that this message will come to you as a surprise. Please
this is not a joke and I did not want you to joke with it.
My Name Is Mr. David Williams, Executive Director & Exchange Manager
of Africa Development Bank In Ouagadougou Burkina Faso,
I need your assistance to validate your name in our Bank System to
enable the Bank transfer the sum of $10.5Million unclaimed fund into
your nominated bank account for onward investment (Hotel industries
and Estate building management) or any profitable business in your
country and I will give you 50%, for your assistance.
Please note very Importantly that you can only get me through by my
private email Enclosed here ( As i wait for
your urgent reply to this little details enlcosed here,
1)Your Complete Name...............
2)Your Age.........................
3)Your Residence Address...........
4)Your correct phone numbers.......
5)Your Occupation ........
6)Your Nationality.................
7)Your Marital Status.............
Thanks with my best regards.
From. Mr.David Williams,