From: "From Mr. Dumadi" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 15:54:47 +0000
Subject: Reply
Dear Good Friend ,
I am contacting you from Indonesia, My name is Mr. Dumadi .P.Bima, a
Legal Representative, Senior Advocate, International Legal
Practitioner, and private account manager to my late client. In the
Year 2019, my client by name Mr. Yanto passed away leaving behind a
cash inheritance of Ten Million United States Dollars ($10 million).
My late client and bosom friend grew up in "Motherless Babies Home".
He had no family, no beneficiary nor next of kin to the inheritance
amount left behind at his Bank.
The Financial law of inheritance clearly allows for the deceased Bank
to use his funds as deemed fit, should the inheritance funds be left
unclaimed for a period of thirty six months after the death of the
account owner. The reason you have been contacted now is, I want you
to work with me so I can present you as the beneficiary next of kin to
my late client.
This is 100 percent legal, as the deceased Lawyer, the Law says I have
the final say of who is the beneficiary of the deceased estate. If you
are interested in this proposition and you are ready to keep this
proposition in absolute confidentiality and trust then contact me at
once, Via My Private Email:( ). And we can work
out the details, and the issue of your compensation.
Thanks and God bless us
Mr. Dumadi .P. Bima ESQ.