From: Chief Financial Officer <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2022 07:16:06 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Final Notice
Ref No: FSC/CP02/PY8
Good Morning,
We are not sure you received our previous message but once again we wish to use this medium to officially congratulate and inform you that you have been selected to receive a financial compensation amount of
US$12,500,000.00 with Ref No. FSC/CP02/PY8.
For details to immediately receive your US$12,500,000.00, kindly send your respond directly by email, to our payment director, using the below contact information:
Contact Person: Richard Bolingbroke
Foreign Remittance Department
Telephone number: +44 741 836 6477
PLEASE NOTE: For prompt attention, all correspondence should directly be sent to Mrs. Caroline Morgan directly by email and must have the above stated reference number: FSC/CP02/PY8, sent along with your
telephone number for quick easy communication.
Yours Sincerely,
Financial Services,
Tel:+1 9172682084
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