From: "Mr. Rayy" <>
Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2022 01:07:19 +0800
Subject: Re:I look forward to your reply.
Good day,
I introduce myself as Mr Raymond Yung. I work as an external auditor for the Bank of England.
My department covers the entire Scotland and England. I have taken pains to find your contact through personal endeavors.On a routine audit check last month, I discovered an investment account that has been dormant for the last Eight (8) years and all the accounts belonging to a single holder with funds totaling a little above (10,500,000.00) Ten Million five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars. Banking regulation in the UK demands that the fiscal authorities are notified when accounts are dormant for this period as this enables the funds to be called in by the regulatory bodies and pass as an unclaimed fund into the coffers of the UK Government.
My investigations of the said account reveals that the investor died in 2014âthe exact time the account was last operated, I can confirm with certainty that the said investor died intestate and no nextâofâkin has been found or has come forward all these years.
I am of the settled conviction that using my insider leverage,I can secure the funds instead of allowing it to pass as an unclaimed fund into the coffers of the UK Government. This is especially possible as you bear the same LAST NAME to the said investor and I want you to act as the next of kin to the deceased and stand as his extended relative. This is exactly why I crave your participation and cooperation.
I understand well enough that what I relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something, It is only an outsider to the banking world who finds the internal politics of the banking world aberrational.
My proposal is I am prepared to place you in a position to give instruction for the release of the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation since you share the same last name.
I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail.
I have in detail all the relevant documents including access to the very account details of the deceased.
This will facilitate my putting you forward as the claimant/beneficiary of the funds and ultimately transfer the money to any account nominated by you. You shall be rewarded for your part in this transaction with 40% of the total funds for your efforts, less any expenses. I shall however leave out the final details of this transaction till I receive an affirmation of your desire to participate.
Be assured that I am on top of the situation. There will be no risk involved whatsoever if you agree to come on board. Needless to say, UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY is of vital importance if we are to successfully reap the immense benefits of this transaction. I guarantee that the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect us from any breach of law.
To affirm your willingness and cooperation to my proposal please contact me through my private email ( )stating the followings
(1) Full Name;
(2) Telephone, Fax and Mobile Numbers;
(3) Postal Address:
(4) Occupation;
Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Mr Raymond Yung