Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 16:30:28 -0700
I am Mrs Jill Biden, and I am writing to inform you about your Bank
Check Draft brought back 22/02/2022 by the United Embassy Mr John
Moore from the government of Benin Republic in the white house
Washington DC been mandated to be deliver to your home address once
you reconfirm it with the one we have here with us to avoid wrong
delivery of your check draft Eighteen million united states dollars
$18.000,000,00usd that was assigned to be delivered to your humble
home address by Honorable president Mr JOE BIDEN the president of this
great country this week by a delivery agent Mr John Moore
Also reconfirm your details for the check delivery by filling the form
below and send it immediately to our in for verification and for
prompt collection of your fund.
Fill The Form Below:
1. Residential Address :
2. full Name :
3. Mobile Number:
4. Fax Number :
5. Occupation :
6. Sex :
7. Age :
8. Nationality :
9. Country :
10. Marital Status :
Accept my hearty congratulation again!
Yours Sincerely,
MRS Jill Biden
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States
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