From: Mr George Lucas <>
Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 09:36:36 +0100
Subject: Attention beneficiary
Attn; beneficiary:
Information reaching us from our corporate headquarters now, states
that you only have 48hours to effect payment for the activation of
your MTCN to enable you cash up your first $9000.00 USD from your
total fund $2.5million.
since you are finding it difficult to make this payment we have
decided that you are to go ahead and pay whatever you have for the
activation fee As From $150.00 Above since you are not able to come up
with the required sum, time is of the essence here.
You are to pay what ever you have for the activation fee like $150.00
or To Up; we will activate your (MTCN) #: 601-7631-030 #upon receipt
of this payment.
We have decided that you are to go ahead and pay what ever from
$150.00 up for the activation to enable you receive your first payment
of $9,000:00 USD from any Western Union center around you today. Be
informed that you will have to pay the balance once you pick up this
first payment of $9,000.00, sum of your activation upon cashing up of
your first payment.
Also i am using this medium to inform you that failure to pay the
balance sum will leave us with no option but to deactivate your fund
of which you will and can never cash up your total sum again i want
you to use Western Union or money gram to send the money for the
activation fee with the information Bellow. or buy Google play card-
steam wallet card or iTunes gift card to receive your first payment
Receiver name: BENOIT LOKOSSOU
Receiver city: COTONOU.
Receiver country: BENIN.
Country code: 229.
Question: Who is great
Answer: God.
Here is your payment information of $9,000.00 is well available on our
web site of western union but you can not pick it up is on hold
because we have to Activate the MTCN NUMBER before you can pick it up
in any western union office.MTCN: Mtcn #: 601-7631-030
Control Number (MTCN)#: 601-7631-030
Sender's First Name:_ _ Kris
Sender's Last Name:_ _ _ Mixon
Question:_ _ _ _ _ _How much sent
Answer:_ _ _ _ _ _ _$9,000.00 usd
We have registered your first payment of $9,000.00 USD online through
Western Union Money Transfer, Just confirm your first payment with the
instructions below, click on this website:, then enter
this tracking number MTCN: 6017631030, As soon as you enter the
tracking number click "Track Transfer" to confirm by yourself.
Kindly reconfirm to him the following below information:
Your full name_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your address_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your country_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your Phone number_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Your ID_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Send us the MTCN number, Sender Address, immediately you send the
money or Google play card- steam wallet card and immediately we
confirm the activation fee, we will transfer you the fund today and
not tomorrow.
Mr.Morgan D.Stanley
Operations Manager.
Western Union Office Department
Western Union Money Transfer®
Send Money Worldwide
W/U Control Number (MTCN)#: 601-7631-030 #