From: Lottery <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:38:22 +0100
Subject: U.S International Lottery Promotion Prize Winning Notification.
U.S International Lottery Promotion Prize Winning Notification.
Your email address has won the online email lottery played on
Saturday, Apr 09, 2022
We are pleased to notify you about the recent U.S lottery draw of this
Date: (Saturday, Apr 09, 2022) This lottery games were conducted
through the online "ISP" of the exclusive List Of 250,000 active
E-mail Addresses selected online; Fortunately enough, your email
address appeared in the first box as the jackpot winner of Four
Million United States Dollars ($4,000,000.00 USD) Saturday, Apr 09,
under the following lottery draw references:
BALLOT No: ---------- 9831/MO22.
BATCH No: ----------- 15500/2022/MO.
JACKPOTS DRAW No: --- (1)(3)(24)(25)(34)(43)
TOTAL AMOUNT WON: --- $4 Million
For your confirmations, please visit the U.S-Missouri Lottery website
link below to confirm your Draw Number including the date it was
Please be informed that the above-mentioned prize has been approved
and awarded to you as the rightful beneficiary; We are hereby advising
you to urgently contact our licensed representative/payment
coordinator; Mr. Edward Grant for further guidelines on how to receive
your payment from our recommended paying bank.
Below is the E-mail contact of our representative/payment coordinator:
Contact Person: Mr. Edward Grant
Best regards,
Mr. Spencer Cattell
Promotions Manager.