From: thailandlootry lottry <>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2022 12:59:27 +0700
068,000.00 USD(2022)
Thailand:WINNING NOTIFICATION,We write to Congratulate you as regards your
EmailAddress success in our Online Computer Balloting Sweepstakes
Programmerfrom the Thailand Internet Lottery online draws of 1th of the
Month.All participants were selected through the RegisteredComputer
Internet Users ballot system drawn from 250,000, Personal emailaddresses &
official Email addresses, from Asia, Australia, NewZealand, Europe, North
and South America, Middle East and Africa, aspart of our International
Promotions Programmer.Your Email Address has subsequently won you one of
the two Jackpot prizesin the 5th category? You have therefore beenapproved
to claim a total sum of $1, 068, 000. 00. (ONE MILLION ANDSIXTY EIGHT
THOUSAND US DOLLARS) Only.However, your Compensation Found of $1, 068, 000.
00.USD has been credited into an ATM CARD which you are entitled to be
withdrawing $3000 USD each day from the ATM CARD in any ATM Machine of your
choice in your country or anywhere in the World.Therefore, contact the
Courier Service, they are one of our representative hear in Thailand
Bangkok that will help you receive your ATM CARD. You can contact them
immediately with their contact address below so that they can explain to
you how you can receive your ATM CARD FoundContact the Thailand Internet
Lottery Co-ordinator for your claim:Mr. Prawatt
<>Office Fax: ( 66)261-382-62office
Number: (+66) 803215401
<>Provide Him with the information below:(1) REF
NO: THAINETORG00-69803 (2) Serial Number: 9-3088(3) Lucky Number: 4864116
.....(7)Country:...................................Your Winnings
Certificate and all other relevant Documents/Paperwork wouldbe
prepared.Congratulations once again from all the members and staff's of
ThailandInternet Lottery Promo.Remember, all prize money must be claimed
not later than 30th Day of nextMonth.Any claim not made by this date will
be returned tothe Treasury of the Thailand Internet Lottery Organization as
Unclaimed Fund.Best Regard,Shompoo PrachaporDirector General.*