From: "James D. Aramanda" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 07:34:10 -0700
Subject: Your Payment
Be informed that after vigorous verification by this office, it is my
pleasure to let you know that your blocked compensation
payment funds valued $5, 5 Million which was approved by the United
Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has been
unblocked and tagged for immediate payment to you in our Quarterly
Payment Gazette via our affiliated correspondence paying bank in
Turkey as approved by the United Nations..
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
is a United Nations body established in December 1991 by the General
Assembly to strengthen the international response to complex
emergencies and natural disasters.
Kindly note your scam victims Compensation Payment Reference
No.22477781, Allocation No: 69887664 Password No: 87658332, Pin Code
No: 897673 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103, Released
Code No: 0746; unblocked Secret Code No: XZTW04473, haven received
these vital payment information numbers therefore you are now
qualified to receive your unblocked compensation payment
funds valued $5, 5 Million.
In view of this, henceforth you MUST stop any form of communication
with any person/persons in London UK, United States or any African
country regarding any bogus payment because they were instrumental to
your predicament.
it will interest you to know that we have been trying to contact you
but your email ID seems not to be active so should you receive this
message kindly forward to this office the following accordingly.
1) Full Name and Current Contact Address.
2) Your ID and Contact Telephone number.
Thanks and God bless.
James D. Aramanda
Chief Executive Officer and President, the Clearing House LLC
450 West 33rd Street
New York, NY 10001
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