Address: 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20431, United States
Direct Phone: (765) 630 7094
Our Ref: IMF/0015-OSD/021
This letter serves to officially inform you that we have been working towards the eradication of scam in the world with the help of African Union (AU), United Nations Security Council (UNSC), European Union (EU), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and Internet crime complaint center (IC3), Financial Intelligence center and FBI. We were able to track down up to 74 scam artists globally from (Canada, USA, Malaysia, Poland, Mauritius, Nigeria and Indonesia) and they are all in government custody facing criminal and fraud charges.
The United Nations board of trustees on humanitarian aids instructed that part of the money recovered from the scammers should be shared among 27 lucky people around the world for compensation and you are on the list as your email address was found in one of the scam Artists� computer hard-disk hence we are contacting you, maybe you have been scammed or being tried to.
You can view this website for your perusal:
You are advised to contact our legal representative in the United States (Barr. Mark Filip) on below details to help and guide you in applying for your International bank transfer of USD$1,500.000.00. This fund is in the escrow account of the Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation for security reasons.
Also forward your information as follows to Barr. Mark Filip.
1. Your name...
2. Your age...
3. Your full address...
4. Your telephone number...
5. Your Occupation.....
Contact Details
Barr. Mark Filip
Yours Faithfully,
Dr. Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director (IMF)