From: Electronic Mega Millions E-mail Lottery Group <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 15:22:18 +0200
Subject: Last & Final Reminder!!!.
== == == == == ==
Draw No: 486
Prize level: Raffle
Winning numbers: XVGW54390
Game name: Euro Millions Email Lotto
Service unit: Stratford Upon Avon Area
Central payment office:
Islington, London N4 3DE. United Kingdom.
Draw date: 12 Nov 2021
Last date to claim: 11 May 2022
First date of notification: 12 November 2021.
Attn winner / email beneficiary: YOUR EMAIL HAS WON A STAR PRIZE OF
The United Kingdom Electronic Mega Millions E-mail Lottery Group is
giving you the last and final notification on your success as one of
the 2021 Millionaire Raffle electronic email lottery winners.
The Millionaire Raffle electronic email lottery is the BRITISH
INTERNATIONAL ONLINE LOTTERY and winners are selected through email
addresses all over the world, this lotto was drawn on the Friday 12
November 2021 here in London and you have until Wednesday 11 May 2022
to make your claim.
This is a Life changing project that has been set up and sponsored by
the Microsoft Company to encourage all internet users all over the
world. Ten thousand active email addresses were selected through
online ancillary and your email address was one among other 128 email
addresses that won the Mega Millions Lottery Award. We sent you a
notification email on the Friday 12 November 2021 informing you of
this good news but we have not received any response from you until
this date. We are sending you this email today again as a reminder and
a final notification to apply and claim your lottery fund immediately
or your payment will be cancelled and your lottery fund winning
confirmation details will be deleted on our payroll Website.
Your email address was selected as category P7/1 with winning number
XVGW54390. Which made you a winner of [One Million Great British
Pounds] £1,000,000.00. All lottery prizes are to be claimed within 180
days of the draw date, after which time claim can no longer be made.
If you fail to apply for your claim before Wednesday 11 May 2022 then
the prize money, plus all the interest the prize has generated will go
to The National Lottery Good Causes fund. You are one among other 24
winners that have not claimed their prizes and we advise you to apply
for your claim immediately before due date for payment cancellation.
Due to your failure in responding to our email as sent to you on the
Friday 12 November 2021, your lottery prize has been posted on our
unclaimed winning fund internet list. To view the list of winning
prizes that remains unclaimed by winners, and also to confirm your
winning prize Number XVGW54390 for cash of £1,000,000.00 on the list
and to know the last date to claim, please visit:
To Apply For Payment, Contact Barrister Gibson Cage on +44 7700 308 944.
contact our Lawyer to file for your payment:
Barrister Gibson Cage Esq.
E-mail: (
Tel: +44 7700 308 944
Fax: +44 77814 7 0659
Do make sure to email us the following details;
Your first & last names*********
Your mobile number************
Your address********************
Your Winning Number**********
Your age, sex & Occupation***
Email your details to and Barrister
Gibson Cage shall contact you back again within 24hrs with copy of
your lottery Ticket as a proof of your award winning PRIZE. Note that
any lottery winning without a lottery winning Ticket cannot be trusted
as there are many internet scams; this is why we always make available
winning Ticket copies to all our winners as their proof of winning and
also as a payment guarantee. Contact Barrister Gibson Cage immediately
and he will inform you the procedures for prize claim application.
UK - Electronic E-mail Lottery: ©2022.
Signed by: Management.
Terms & Conditions strictly apply.