From: kristalina2 <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 06:42:54 -0500
Subject: ATTENTION!!!
Federal Reserve System New York, United States of America
Address: 33 Liberty St, New York, NY 10045, USA
This is to inform you that the management of the Federal Reserve Bank
has processed your payment on Thursday 27th of August 2021.
Your Funds will not be transferred because you have failed to pay the
mandated charge for your fund's approval in US COURT OF FEDERAL CLAIMS
according to Judge Margaret Mary Sweeney (Chief Judge of the United
States Court of Federal Claims) report on Friday evening 4th September
The Judge told us that you refused to pay the mandated fee of $150 and
she went further to say that you have followed some Africans who
promised you a successful transfer after you would have paid certain
You have paid to Africans instead of the rightful authority (US. Court
of Federal Claims in Washington DC United States of America).
You must note that there is no way the Federal Reserve Bank can transfer
your funds without the court's approvals. Mrs. Janet Louise Yellen (The
Former Fed Chairperson) discovered that the documents backing up the
$78,000,000.00 million dollars on your names need to be renewed/updated
before the payment will be completed in October 2017 but due to your
unable to follow Mrs. Yellen's instruction your outstanding payment
remained pending.
Please, you have to get back to me let us finalize the transfer because
this fund was supposed to have been paid to you by this immediate past
Federal Reserve Chairperson Mrs. Janet L. Yellen, in October 2017.
NOTE: If you are not paying the required $150.00 let me know in a very
brief message.
Mr. Jerome H. Powell,
16th Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Federal Reserve Bank NY USA.
kindly contact (404)666-6792 for more information about this transaction