From: Rodrigo Bruh <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2022 14:23:43 +0000
Subject: Peace be unto you.
Peace be unto you.
I, Rodrigo Brosh, from Afghanistan, a politician and government official
who worked with the Ministry of Finance before the Taliban took over
I beg your help to receive and secure my luggage in your country.
I want to send my digital safe containing my life savings ($ 2.6 million
US) two million six hundred thousand dollars and some of my very important
documents by diplomatic delivery from Afghanistan to your country for
security reasons and investment in your country. Unfortunately, I can not
send the money through the bank Because the Taliban have taken over all the
institutions in Afghanistan.We are under immediate threat from massacres
and targeted executions of government officials since the Taliban returned
to power in our country and I am hiding to avoid the risk of lethal
retaliatory actions by the Taliban while I wait for paperwork to evacuate
with my family.
I hope to hear from you through my personal email []
for my security as the Taliban are monitoring calls to find out our exact
location in Kabul. For delivery to Israel, please send me your full name,
address and telephone number.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Rodrigo Bruh
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